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Archive for April, 2014

What will changes to credit card chip and PIN services in the US mean for businesses?

In 2015, major credit cards will begin to utilize chip-and-pin technology instead of black magnetic strips. Current credit cards in America use technology that is a minefield for hackers and easy to access. The new cards that will be introduced in 2015 feature a microchip that makes it extremely difficult for hackers to access. Every time a consumer uses a credit card, he or she will simply need to swipe and enter a PIN number.


New PIN Technology


With the new technology, staff members will not physically handle one’s credit card. When a staff member handles a credit card, he or she has the opportunity to write down a credit card number or make additional purchases with a card. The new technology allows customers to maintain control of the credit card.


Implementation of the Credit CARD Act


The Credit CARD Act will call for the new technology changes in 2015. Businesses will also be impacted by other aspects of the Act. For example, businesses will be restricted in the fees that they can charge for accepting credit cards. The new law requires that businesses charge “reasonable” fees for processing credit card transactions.


Other Effects on Businesses


Under the Credit CARD Act, businesses will need to invest in new equipment to be able to process credit cards. The new equipment may cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. Without the equipment, businesses will be unable to process credit cards in 2015.

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Employee Rights in the US for 2014: First Quarter

There have been some monumental changes to employee rights in the United States so far in 2014 that are worth investigating. Some of these changes were put in motion a while back, such as the changes to minimum wage laws. But there have been other worker rights stories that have occurred within 2014 and some of them could change the way corporations operate.

Dish Network Forced To Compensate Whistle Blower

In March 2014, OSHA told Dish Network that it had to pay a whistle blower back wages and damages for firing the employee after he spoke out against a vendor. The significance here is that the government stood up for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in a way that sent a strong message to all United States employers.

Many American workers do not realize that it is OSHA which enforces whistle blower provisions of the work laws. With this ruling, the government is encouraging employees to point out corporate indiscretions and not fear losing their jobs.

The Minimum Wage Goes Up

The federal minimum wage was not raised in 2014 for all United States workers, but there were some states that did bring up their minimum wages in 2014. The United States federal government raised the minimum wages of employees of government contractors, but not the entire country.

In all, 14 states raised their minimum wages in 2014 to levels that are beyond the federal minimum of $7.25 per hour. The state of Washington has the highest minimum wage at $9.32 per hour, with California and Oregon close behind at $9.00 per hour. All in all, 21 states have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum.

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